Education is at the core of the progress and development of a modern nation. In this era of artificial intelligence, information and knowledge is just a click away. As we hold the little finger and guide the young ones forward, we realise our responsibility of nurturing their curiosity, igniting their minds, and shaping their future.
Learning is not acquired by chance – it must be sought ardently and attended to with diligence. GenZ is exposed to multitudes of changes and has diverse interests, so the one-size-fits-all pattern of education must be replaced by a more flexible and practical one. Each child is unique with a different capacity to learn and imbibe knowledge. The role of an educator is to be sensitive towards these differences and to bring out the best in each child.
Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques.
Sidney Hook
The profound impact of educators becomes evident with the visits from former students with gratitude gleaming in their eyes, leaving an indelible mark.
The NEP-2020 envisions school education to be a lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attitudes. Here at Atul Vidyalaya, we foster an environment that encourages students to make well-informed choices regarding subjects and careers that complement their strengths.
A good career is important but a good character is paramount. In this cutting-edge competition of the 21st century, the ability to collaborate, the propensity for intellectual daring, and the transformation of ideas and passions into something novel and valuable will significantly contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals fostering a verdant world.
Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The various activities in the school like dance, music, and art help in inculcating the rich Indian culture and promote holistic development. Games and sports are an integral part of the curriculum, contributing to physical fitness and the development of team spirit. It is believed that not the team with the best players wins, but the players with the best team win.
The highest result of education is tolerance.
Helen Keller
The outreach program in the school helps the students to understand and appreciate diversity, instilling in them benevolence and empathy and also teaches them the importance of sharing and caring.
The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.
Rabindranath Tagore
The four houses of the School are named Agni, Prithvi, Jal and Vayu representing the four elements of nature. Furthermore, the lush green school campus fosters an environment where students grow up appreciating and respecting the benevolence of nature.
Students are trained to handle various situations, empowering them to confront challenges in the outside world with mindfulness, courage, and a strong commitment to ethics and humanity.
So, charge on AVians! Take the world head-on, and remember that you are the flag bearers of this institution wherever you are and in whatever you do!
Haimanti Paul
Atul Vidyalaya